Yoga classes

Yoga Classes

A quick guide to some of the best yoga classes available right now — in-person and online — for beginners and all yoga enthusiasts

If you’re starting out in yoga for the first time (or even if you’re an experienced practitioner) nothing beats a bit of personal instruction from a qualified teacher. A live class, whether that’s in-person, inside the studio, or beamed directly into your home digitally, is a great way to practice, get instant feedback or guidance, and top up your motivation levels.

If you’re new to yoga, it’s really helpful if you can start your practice under the watchful eye of an expert instructor who’s fully trained and can steer you through the basics and answer any questions that you might have. And nothing beats the thrill of being in a real-life studio practicing on the mat alongside like-minded people.

Away from the studio, having access to a library of digital classes from your favourite teacher can help keep the momentum going even when you can’t make it to a live class. Thanks to the wonders of technology, yoga is now available 24/7 anywhere in the world — so no excuses not to practice!

Here, you’ll find a selection of great yoga studios and digital platforms where you can experience the joy of yoga every day of the week. The important thing, as ever, is simply to show up.

Om Magazine

First published in November 2009, OM Yoga magazine has become the most popular yoga title in the UK. Available from all major supermarkets, independents and newsstands across the UK. Also available on all digital platforms.