
Menopause Chair Yoga

A fresh approach to soothe menopause symptoms - By SueYen

Reading time: 3 minutes

As women navigate through the menopause journey they often find themselves facing days when fatigue, joint pain and muscle cramps make rolling out the yoga mat for a practice seem daunting. For many, thoughts of not exercising at all may creep in, leading to a slow decline in physical activity.

However, there is a solution. With a change of pace, menopausal women can stay active and reap the same benefits as a traditional yoga practice in a new form — Menopause Chair Yoga!

Introducing Menopause Chair Yoga as a versatile and effective practice, offering an array of advantages during the menopause transition. This modified and adapted form of yoga allows practitioners to engage in yoga without exerting excessive stress on their joints, rendering it suitable for days when menopause symptoms may be taking a toll on tired bodies.

Menopause Chair Yoga is designed to accommodate everyone, any day, regardless of ability. It offers a practical solution to address the 36 menopause symptoms without repetitive up-and-down movements, providing relief to the body while boosting energy levels.

As with mat practice, there is not an area or part of the body that cannot be exercised in a chair. For example, through targeted twisting exercises using the back of the chair for leverage, practitioners experience a heightened range of movement, leading to a deeper and more intense release in the torso, helping with back issues, bloating and weight gain.

It is important to acknowledge that Menopause Chair Yoga is not a practice for seniors. The prop is the same, but the intention and outcome are different. What sets Menopause Chair Yoga apart is its adaptability. Similar to the diversity of yoga styles (like Hatha, Vinyasa, Yin, and Restorative Yoga), this specialised practice presents various approaches. Women can choose between gentle and gradual stretching sessions or opt for a dynamic and strengthening flow.

With the star of the show being a chair, the practice of Menopause Chair Yoga is readily accessible and easy to incorporate into daily life for a quick 10-minute lifestyle ‘menohack’ or a full hour class. Whether you are at home, in the office, or travelling, you can benefit from this transportable practice anywhere. It is a fresh and enjoyable approach to support women dealing with injuries or time constraints, providing an alternative practice to enhance flexibility and strength, which is essential as symptoms deepen their hold.

Menopause Chair Yoga is a game-changer for women seeking to maintain an active lifestyle while addressing their symptoms with care and compassion. So, the next time you find yourself hesitant to roll out your mat due to menopause-related challenges, take a seat and sit back — you may be surprised just how effective sitting on your behind can be!

SueYen will be teaching a Menopause Chair Yoga workshop at the OM Yoga Show SueYen is the founder of Triple Goddess Yoga, a menopause yoga platform, as well as a teacher trainer, with the 40-hr further training, ‘Yoga and the 36 Menopause Symptoms’ and the 33-hr training, ‘MenoProps: Menopause Chair Yoga Training. Visit:

Om Magazine

First published in November 2009, OM Yoga magazine has become the most popular yoga title in the UK. Available from all major supermarkets, independents and newsstands across the UK. Also available on all digital platforms.