Yoga for stress relief: 3 Yin Yoga postures anyone can do
Melt away the stress of the day with these three wonderfully-simple Yin Yoga postures. By Kino MacGregor
Yoga is great for stress relief — just ask anyone who’s ever been to a yoga class. If you’ve got a spare 10 minutes, then check out the video from international yoga teacher Kino MacGregor with this article for a beautifully-relaxing and chilled class that will leave you calm, clearheaded and grounded.
If you want to dive straight into the zen zone, then here are three simple Yin Yoga poses for an immediate dose of stress relief, wherever you are. Yoga for stress relief made simple, these poses are suitable for all.
Puppy Pose is perfect for stretching out tired shoulders and tight lower back muscles. Supta Baddha Konasana is a therapeutic pose that allows your mind and body to truly relax and heal. Viparita Karani is the ultimate pose for all over stress relief and healing.

1. Puppy Pose
Puppy Pose is perfect for stretching out tired shoulders and tight lower back muscles. A nice long hold in this asana helps relieve tension in the body and mind.
Start off in table top pose and then slowly extend the arms forward. Align the hands as close together as possible. Exhale as you send the top of the forehead towards the ground. Be sure the hips are slightly open and that your body weight is evenly distributed between the hands and legs.
Stay for a minimum of five breaths but up to a few minutes. To deepen the pose, try sending your chest towards the ground instead of your forehead (but avoid pressing too much weight on to the chin).

2. Supta Baddha Konasana
Supta Baddha Konasana is a therapeutic pose that allows your mind and body to truly relax and heal. Start off in constructive rest pose with your sacrum resting on the ground. Place two blocks wider than your hips-width apart. Exhale as you send your knees outwards and rest your thighs on the blocks. If you need a little extra support for your back, use a bolster under the spine. Close your eyes and breathe deeply. Hold the pose for a minimum of 30 seconds but up to five minutes.

3. Viparita Karani
Viparita Karani is the ultimate pose for all over stress relief and healing. To practice this pose, lie on your back and slowly fold your legs in towards your chest. Extend the legs upwards, engage your quadriceps and point your toes. Relax your shoulders and be sure that your sacrum is pressing into the ground. If it’s uncomfortable to lift the legs in the air, then rest your legs and feet against the wall. Hold for a minimum of 30 seconds, but up to five minutes. This pose is great for long days of standing, sitting or walking. Viparita Karani calms the nervous system and helps your body and mind release tension.