Yoga Changed my Life graphic

A life-changing injury resulted in Vicki Baumann training to become a yoga teacher

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  • NAME: Vicki Baumann
  • AGE: 61
  • OCCUPATION: Founder and Teacher
  • YOGA YEARS: 25+

Why did you start yoga

I started yoga as a means to keep fit and flexible and to give me some ‘calm time’ during a period of my life that was incredibly busy and stressful. Following redundancy, I was building a business slap bang in the middle of the 90s recession. I found the perfect teacher – intense and dynamic – who still today pushes me to explore my capabilities.

How has yoga changed your life?

Completely and irreversibly! In August 2012 I suffered a traumatic foot injury, a life-changing injury that left me needing two surgeries and a year of recovery to walk unaided. Yoga literally brought me back to health. In the 11 years since I have regained strength and flexibility and most importantly gone on to train to become a yoga teacher myself in 2017. In February 2020, I left a 30-plus year career behind me to teach yoga full[1]time (another challenging time to start a business in the middle of the coronavirus pandemic). I really do pick my moments.

Favourite yoga haunts

Attending my Om Yoga classes in South London and more latterly on Zoom under the tuition of Mano who has been my constant teacher and with whom I undertook my teacher training. Also beautiful Kalkan in Turkey, where I participate in an annual ladies’ yoga and relaxation retreat each year.

Best yoga moment

Hearing my students say I have inspired them and provided them with a safe and encouraging space. One such student said: “I thought I wasn't flexible enough to do yoga and wouldn't be able to do the poses. You taught me that there is always an option so you can do it and also, in your words, ‘you can't do it… yet’. I always think of this and remind myself that I'm always progressing and moving towards getting better.”

Anything else

I have found that I love teaching. Who knew it? Being a catalyst for others to discover the joy and benefits of yoga, as I did under my own teacher. Watching students realise they are stronger, more flexible and their bodies so much more capable than they ever imagined. It’s an incredibly joyful and humbling experience.

Find Vicki on Instagram yogawithvickib
Or visit her website at: yogawithvickib

Om Magazine

First published in November 2009, OM Yoga magazine has become the most popular yoga title in the UK. Available from all major supermarkets, independents and newsstands across the UK. Also available on all digital platforms.