Jenna Blair is calmer, happier, and now running her own studio

- Jenna Blair
- AGE: 41
- OCCUPATION: Yoga teacher
Why did you start yoga
I started going to classes regularly five years ago as I had finally found a form or ‘exercise’ that I enjoyed! I was on a bit of a mission to become healthier, but yoga was the only one thing I kept going back to consistently. It didn’t take long for me to realise the reason I felt amazing after every class wasn’t just that I had moved my body…it was the mood-altering effect of working with my own breath, the quiet inward-facing time away from the stresses of the world, computers and phones, and ultimately, the beautiful, calming connection I was finding with something much bigger than I had ever experienced before (some might call this god, others would call it the universe, nature, the self or the divine).
How has yoga changed your life?
Yoga has changed my life in every way possible. I am calmer and happier and have kicked many undesirable habits that I had in my 20s and 30s. Yoga helps me cope with the strains of this challenging world, in a way that nothing else ever has. I completed a 200- hour yoga teacher training course in 2019 and started teaching two nights per week at my local church hall. On completion of the course, I quickly found myself teaching five classes per week on top of a full-time office job. Something had to go…and it wasn’t going to be the yoga! I left my full-time job in January 2020. Last year was challenging for obvious reasons as my busy timetable came to a grinding halt at the start of the first lockdown. I navigated the pandemic by teaching online, in gardens and in parks, and resumed small, socially distanced classes when I could. My own practice got me through as I returned to my mat over and over.
Towards the end of 2020, I secured a lease on a very run-down office block which I have converted into a small studio with therapy rooms on the street that I live on. It’s a dream come true.
Favourite yoga haunts
My own little yoga space in Shrewsbury, Shropshire, where myself and other excellent yoga teachers deliver a busy timetable of classes and workshops, teacher training and retreats. If I’m not teaching a class, I’m usually taking part in one! I also recently discovered Kundalini Global Yoga and I love to roll my mat out at home to enjoy their online classes.
Best yoga moment
One particular time really sticks in my mind. I was attending an Ashtanga class at a local studio and I remember the profound feeling of realising there was so much more going on than just physical exercise. I had the most blissful feeling of complete union with myself (or god, or the universe). Total magic! Now, each week, I experience beautiful moments when people approach me at the end of class to say how much better they feel compared to when they walked through the door. It’s a privilege to introduce people to the magic of yoga; I consider myself incredibly lucky.
Anything else
I am passionate about bringing as much yoga to as many people as possible. It’s my way of giving back to a practice that has undoubtedly changed my life beyond measure.
Jenna Blair is the owner of Jenna Blair Yoga (jennablairyoga.co.uk)