Welcome - December 2022
Let your presence be the best present you give your loved ones this Christmas. Yes, everyone loves receiving a nice gift of appreciation, it’s a sweet thing to do! But with folks under so much pressure today, and our heads literally spinning from the news, rising prices and the everyday demands of life, maybe it’s time to take a step back this year.
Yoga can show us the path back to a simpler, less complicated way of life.
Some deep breathing and simple mindful awareness can help to keep things on an even keel and bring us right back to the present moment, where we belong.
This is the place of peace, a place where you are fully engaged and alive, where you notice and see the world just as it is, and truly appreciate the people around you with full gratitude.
Bringing that person to the dinner table this festive season is what your friends and family want the most — not the most expensive Christmas crackers.
There’s no need to add to all the stress and complexity of modern living with a last-minute dash to the shops or by over-spending.
When you’re fully engaged in the present moment, time seems to open up just as your perspective shifts, gifting you with the energy and space to achieve all you need.
Sometimes you literally just need to put your phone down and go outside. That can be all you need to re-engage with the present moment.
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to one and all from the OM team.