Kundalini Yoga helped Tommy Legge find his true calling in life

- NAME: Tommy Legge
- AGE: 36
- OCCUPATION: Spiritual entrepreneur guiding recovering addicts beyond recovery
Why did you start yoga
I found yoga and meditation through Quantum Sobriety, a drug rehabilitation programme. I was led down a vicious path of addictions and when I awoke from my coma I knew that I had to take responsibility for my body, mind and soul to overcome the challenges I faced and go on to fulfil my destiny. I was immediately call ed to the practice of yoga.
Favourite yoga haunts
Yoga is the practice of union with self, so my favourite places are wherever I find peace on my mat. To name a few pl aces that have brought me great joy: Sen Wellness Sri Lanka’s beautiful tree top shala, Joy Yoga studio in London, Inner Guidance retreat centre in Suffolk and The Self Centre in Bury St Edmunds. The best place in my heart for my practice is outside in nature: trees and water help me connect to pure consciousness immediately.

How has yoga changed your life?
It saved my life. I was on a tragic meltdown of my entire being and it was aligned to help provide me the wisdom and knowledge to understand my unconditional self.
After trying various yoga styl es during my r ecovery God br ought me to Kundalini and then everything changed ‘again’. Nothing has ever touched my spirit like the technology of Kundalini.
Its ancient wisdom humbly shows me a different world through the same eyes. Every part of my life has become a true blessing of magical miracles.
I found my purpose, I found my love, I found my joy and everything has absorbed the energy I create in my dharma to provide me with a remarkable life.
Now I live in serva (in service) to provide this science of love and devotion to all that feel connected.
Best yoga moment
I was four days into a kundalini retreat in Sri Lanka and the floodgates opened. I cried so deep and powerfully that my guardian angel floated into the shala and told me to awaken myself to a new level of consciousness. My mission is clear and she guided me on how to get there. I cried non-stop for four hours. It was the most heart-opening moment of my yoga life. Now I have accomplished everything I was told and this brings me great inner peace.
Anything else
I now run a business online called Recovery To Mastery, a spiritual coaching programme designed to move people beyond recovery into mastering their own lives (Find the Facebook group @tommyleggerecovery online for classes, workshops and more.) Kundalini yoga is the gift of the Aquarian Age and my motto is: “Get on board or get left behind.”