OM in 30 Seconds - January 2020

Hanumanasana can feel like an impossibly high hurdle. However, the more you sit into the posture, the more your body will begin to make the neurological connection to the undiscovered muscles in the hips and hamstrings that make this deep asana possible.
Yoga At Home

Yoga will bring you peace, clarity, increased strength and flexibility as well as helping you through this
journey called life. You don’t have to be flexible to begin either, you don’t have to change anything about who you are.
Yoga For Beginners

Ganesha’s biggest lesson is in how we deal with our own obstacles. Look at the tools and skills you have, look at how they can be used. A little creative thinking and those obstacles will be chopped down and you’ll be climbing your way to new beginnings.
Harness Your Ganesha Power