My Yoga Biz - Jade Gooding
Tips from the experts to help you grow the yoga business of your dreams
This month’s mentor:
Jade Gooding, 36, of Pilates and Yoga with Jade in Essex (pilatesandyogawithjade.com)
What’s your niche?
When I first started teaching yoga I don’t think I had thought about what my niche was or that I needed one. However, four years down the line, my niche is being wholeheartedly relatable with my students. I am a busy working mum and can easily relate to how difficult it is to not only schedule time for oneself, but to also remove the feeling of guilt that comes with it. After students explained that getting to a class was tricky, I decided to offer shorter practices, so that my students could fit it into their routines. I simply wanted to share the gift of yoga, making it accessible for everyone.
What’s the secret to making a living?
I am so grateful to be making a living using my passion for yoga and often have moments of ‘Is this real?’ However, the path to building a career as a yoga teacher is an interesting one! I find that offering both in-person classes and an online service has been great since lockdown. The online world has become huge, it is definitely an area to explore. Running workshops and retreats is a great way to not only bump up your earnings but an incredible way to bond with students too.
Hardest lesson?
You are never going to be liked by everyone. That moment when you realise a student is clearly not enjoying your class or when one student doesn’t come back — heartbreak! As we are all clearly passionate about what we do (it isn’t just a job!), we take everything personally, so it hurts! In life, we will never be liked by everyone and that is why there is enough work out there. The more people teaching yoga, the more variety of personalities there are on offer and the more we can work together to spread our love for yoga far and wide.
Social media tips?
We all have a mixed relationship with social media, right? I love that it allows me to connect with so many people, but I also find it can sometimes cause harm rather than good.

Personally, I like to show all the different sides of my business and personal life — showing the true rollercoaster, rather than just the highlights! If we only show the wonderful parts of our lives, won’t this cause others to question theirs? My advice is to be real, don’t get caught up in what everyone else is posting…just be you.
Someone once said to me on a retreat: “I feel like I know you already through Instagram!” I think we should use the power of social media to engage with our students, interact as much as possible, plus add value to your own pages by sharing techniques and free videos, which will encourage people to follow you.
Self-care tips?
You cannot serve from an empty cup. How often do we say to our students: “You should take time to rest and restore.” How often do we follow our own advice? As yoga teachers, we spend a lot of time guiding students, helping them, listening, sharing, not to mention the planning, so it isn’t surprising that we get burnt out. So, we must remember that in order to be there completely for our students we must take time for ourselves. It is okay to say ‘no’. Take time to enjoy being a student again, try other styles of movement for your body and mind and remember your ‘why’.
Written and compiled by Claudia Brown (yogabyclaudia.com)