Men behaving badly
Erm, actually, not this time… this time it’s men behaving very well indeed, discovering yoga for the first time at a money-raising charity class
Doesn’t yoga feel great? Well, now the yoga world has 50 new recruits, all guys and all with different backgrounds, ages and new stories to tell.
Fifty men who had never tried yoga before took to the mat for their first class ever recently all in support of the suicide prevention charity CALM (Campaign Against Living Miserably). It was a very diverse group. Aged between 17 to 59, the men enjoyed an hour-long Sattva Yoga journey with London-based Australian yoga instructor Caleb Packham (calebjudepackham.com).
The class included asana, pranayama breath-work, meditation, chanting and kriya, the yoga of electricity.
“From the opening OMs, it was clear that these fellas were there to have this experience fully,” he tells OM. “They participated with such open hearted enthusiasm!”

Campaign Against Living Miserably, or CALM, is a registered charity based in England. It was launched in March 2006 as a campaign aimed at bringing the suicide rate down among young men. Find out more at: thecalmzone.net