10 Great Online Yoga Teachers

Eva Kristlova
Websites yogawitheva.co.uk ▪ yogaeastbourne.com (for online classes)
Instagram @evakristlova ▪ @yogalifestudio
What’s the USP?
According to her students, Eva Kristlova is just a ‘regular girl’ who loves sharing yoga with others. You’ll find her teaching online at Yoga Life Studio : Yoga Life Eastbourne (yogaeastbourne.com).
How much is it?
All live Zoom classes are donation-based (OM readers are invited to join one class free, just email direct on info@yoga-life.co.uk to receive a class link). Online classes (on demand) start from £3.50 per week, and you can join as many sessions as you like and in your own time.
What can I expect?
Eva Kristlova is a professional yoga teacher, qualified with BWY, and teaches in Eastbourne, at the Yoga Life Studio — now she also teaches globally via online classes. But she says she never dreamed of teaching online when she started out. “I was very comfortable delivering my yoga classes to the beautiful groups of students in our studio, on the beach, and abroad, but on screen? No way!”
Like so many others last year, she had to quickly adapt to a new way of teaching. Luckily, her online classes received a warm response from students. “Having the opportunity to still connect and practice together through our screens was — and is — a gift coming out of these challenging times,” she says.
There is now a wide variety of classes on the Yoga Life Studio platform, something for everyone, where you can pick and choose your class depending on your mood, time, ability and preferred style. Online classes range from Restorative Yoga, Yin, Gentle Hatha to more advanced classes like Vinyasa Flow and Power Yoga. There are also inspirational talks and kirtan sessions included.
“I believe in following your dreams, being kind and supporting your community,” says Eva. “Through the online classes we have done that and so much more.”