Confessions of a yoga teacher
Jackie Heffer-Cooke
The reality of yoga in the modern era
I sat down to meditate on my confessions, and thought, ‘sh*t, there are so many’!
For one I swear.
Once (or maybe twice) I’ve yelled at my kids (and my husband).
I lied when I told my friend I liked her hair.
I stole onions.
I have outrageously flirted with people I shouldn’t have.
I can be possessive of my yoga mat.
I got cross at a waitress who wasn’t paying attention.
I get really distracted by shiny things.
I walk past people collecting for charity.
I have said something and done the other.
Occasionally, at a very good party, I drink too much tequila and dance on tables.
I buy veggies I wish I had grown, sometimes in plastic packaging.
I can get moody on grey days and can’t see the beauty in a tree.
I have got envious of other yogi’s practice.
I do not do enough.
There is some deep stuff I’m still holding on to for dear life, even though I want to let go.
Goddamit what am I doing being a yoga teacher?
Being human.
In the human condition.
Meditating on watching it.
And noticing, when I need to turn my face back to the sun.
Jackie Heffer-Cooke is a yoga teacher trainer, with one foot in the pragmatic. Her teachings focus on doing your best to be a yogi in our modern, western, world. With an approachable style she helps guide mums, parents and children with ZenMuma and ZenKids, and trains in pregnancy, baby, kids’ yoga and alongside her swami also teaches the 200-hour foundation course. Visit: zenmuma.co.uk @Jackie.freedomseekers