Chia Pudding
Fresh and fabulous plant-based foods inspired by ayurveda
Serves 1
Make this “moon” pudding at night, and the next morning you’ll wake up to a creamy, indulgent breakfast. Chia seeds are rich in omega-3s and a must for anyone on a plant-based diet. The overnight soak transforms the seeds into a decadent pudding
- • ¼ tsp ground cinnamon
- • ⅛–¼ tsp ground ginger
- • pinch of ground cloves
- ¼ tsp vanilla flavouring (alcohol-free)
- 1 drop natural fruit sweetener
- ¼ tsp vanilla flavouring (alcohol-free)
- 2 tbsp unsweetened coconut flakes
- 4 drops natural fruit sweetener
- ¼ tsp vanilla flavouring (alcohol-free)
- 85g (3oz) raspberries
- 1 tbsp lemon juice
- 1 tbsp lemon zest
- ⅛ tsp ground cardamom
- 4 drops natural fruit sweetener
Toppings: raspberries, lemon zest
- 1. In a small bowl, combine the milk, chia seeds, and the ingredients for your Dosha (except the toppings).
- Cover and refrigerate for at least 30 minutes or overnight. (The chia seeds will become more gelatinous the longer they soak.)
- Before serving, stir well. Add the toppings for your Dosha and enjoy!
Tip: Make a big batch and separate into several small containers to enjoy for a quick covered in the fridge breakfast or snack. Keep for up to 5 days
Eat Feel Fresh by Sahara Rose Ketabi. Published by DK,
4 July, £16.99. DK.com