Brighter Spaces

Brighter spaces

Purify, align, harmonise and raise the vibration of your yoga space

Brighter Spaces ( is a new consultancy that specialises in transforming the energetic vibration of homes and workplaces – ideal for anyone looking to set up their own perfect yoga spot. Founder David Bushell has a world of ideas for those seeking to upgrade their yoga space and has even worked with major studios.

When Yogahaven ( founder Allie Hill opened the new East Croydon yoga studio, she turned to Brighter Spaces for help. "As yogis, at the heart of what we teach is that there is more to life than physical form; we are made up of energy," she says: "With this perspective we decided to look at optimising the space on an energetic level. We did some research and decided to do some energy clearing and EMF harmonisation."

Within a couple of weeks of working with Brighter Spaces and setting fresh intentions, the studio had signed up 15 new members. "The space feels light...a perfect space to share the magic of yoga."

Indeed, Bushell launched his firm in response to a growing awareness that personal wellness not only includes mind, body and soul – but also space. If you've ever walked into a space where the energy 'just felt wrong' then you are not alone. That's because every physical space has a unique energetic imprint, influenced by many factors from geopathic stress, historic events, stuck stagnant energies to ley lines, building works and even electromagnetic fields caused by the rise in smart technologies and faster connectivity.

The Brighter Spaces founder first became interested in energetic healing after living in a variety of rentals with a range of issues that interrupted his sleep – one of which was built on the infamous site, 10 Rillington Place. He now has over five years of training and experience in a wide range of energy clearing techniques, with a number of solutions to effectively clear, realign and transform the energy of a space. These include:

  • Geopathic stress balancing/clearing: harmonising of subtle energies that can affect our health, sleep wellness and even mood.
  • Space acupuncture: using 'spots' in key spaces that release lower vibrations.
  • Reset clearing: a technique which not only helps shift energies, but also addresses the underlying issues, patterns, and blockages from the point of origin.
  • Entity/paranormal clearing: rebalancing the energetic feel of a space by removing paranormal disturbances and detrimental energetic imprints.
  • Geomancy: a technique that helps to rebalance subtle earth energies for health and wellbeing.
  • Feng Shui: 4,000-year-old modality for creating balance and supportive flow in spaces.
  • Dowsing: a centuries-old practice which uses devices to tune into unseen energies and the wisdom of our bodies and nature.
  • Tuning forks: a technique that can be used to rewrite imprinted vibrations.

Om Magazine

First published in November 2009, OM Yoga magazine has become the most popular yoga title in the UK. Available from all major supermarkets, independents and newsstands across the UK. Also available on all digital platforms.