Yoga has given Patrick Johns the clarity of mind to pursue his passions

- NAME: Patrick Johns
- AGE: 28
- OCCUPATION: Writer & Teacher
Why did you start yoga
The real push was just being tired of being inside all day. I did weight lifting for 10 years during high school and university. After university, I began to work in an office. The last thing I wanted to do after spending all day in an office, plus fighting rush hour, was to stay inside and lift weights in a smelly weight room. So I decided to try workout classes with a friend. We began with Soul Cycle. It felt great to travel around the city to different studios, getting me out of my apartment after work. But I soon got tired of having my ear drums blown and needed something more relaxing while still getting a good workout. I’ve suffered with racing thoughts, stress, and sleepless nights my whole life. Especially during a time of change. Well, after university, I went through my quarter life crisis and realised I needed to take action to help prevent the suffering. So I tried yoga with my mum. It changed my life.

How has yoga changed your life?
I was going through a big change in my life after university (the quarter life crisis!), and I knew I wasn’t where I wanted to be in my life. Yoga helped me clean all of the negative thoughts blocking my mind, providing a clear space of thinking to determine what I truly wanted to do in this world. The answer wasn’t just handed to me, and without yoga, I don’t believe I would have had the clear mind I needed to push myself to where I am today: teaching English in Spain while having the time I need to work on my writing projects.
Favourite yoga haunts
I’d love to go on a yoga retreat somewhere where I can watch sunsets every night. A place where I can disconnect from the world and meet other yogis who share the same passion as myself.
Best yoga moment
All the times I met up with my friend, Jen, after a stressful day of work to wind down with a great yoga workout. And all the postyoga dinners we would treat ourselves to. Good times.
Anything else
I truly believe everyone should do yoga. Every time someone tells me they are stressed, or they want to make a change in their life but they don’t know how, I tell them to do yoga. Yoga helps provide a clear space for thinking. This will expand your mind and give you the focus you need to determine what direction to take your life in. It’s important to take care of yourself physically and mentally. Yoga does both. After every workout, my whole body is shaking and sweating. And most importantly, my mind is free.