What is the Transcendental Meditation Technique?

What is the Transcendental Meditation Technique?

Exploring the Transcendental Meditation Technique and Its Timeless Wisdom - By Lucy Coser

Reading time: 4 minutes

When it comes to meditation, there are many techniques and routines you might consider to achieve mindfulness and complete relaxation. One way to consider practising mindfulness is through the transcendental meditation technique.

What is the transcendental meditation technique?

You repeat a mantra aloud in your mind while utilising the Transcendental Meditation programme, sometimes known as the TM programme. You might have seen this in films or the common “om” sound that we have all done or a personal favourite is ‘Inner Peace’ from the film Kung Fu Panda. You will find a phrase or a word that transforms you into a relaxed state; this might change with each mediation.

The goal of the transcendental meditation method is to bring your body into a relaxed, alert state. You are fully awake, even though your body and mind are at ease. Your active mind turns inward during this kind of meditation, eventually transcending to a state of pure awareness. To transcend is to go over.

The history of the transcendental meditation technique

Like many holistic and healing techniques that originated from the beautiful place of India, the Transcendental Meditation technique was developed in the 1950s by a guru by the name of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. 

Maharishi investigated awareness, drawing from traditional yoga meditation techniques, and he developed the Transcendental Meditation programme. However, there is no connection between any religion, philosophy, or way of life and the TM technique. The method was presented by Maharishi as a science. He helped establish the meditative state as the fourth state of consciousness. Sleeping, dreaming, and waking are the first three.

The popularity of this meditation technique grew and began to get more recognition in the 1960s, when artists and celebrities were introduced to different cultures around the world. The Beatles brought it to the United Kingdom and many other places around the world. Two non-profit organisations called the Maharishi Foundation and TM for Women have taught the transcendental meditation technique to thousands of people and so started this wave from its Indian routes.

Another non-profit organisation, the David Lynch Foundation, still brings this healing mediation technique to people around the world and spreads its ability to breathe life back into the people who need it. Today, over 6 million people have learned and benefited from this technique thanks to guru Maharishi Mahesh Yogi.

How to Start Your Transcendental Mediation Journey

The beauty of mediation is that it is designed to be simple, effortless and easy to incorporate into your everyday life. It can be done anywhere and at any time of the day or night. You start right by getting into some comfortable gym sets or loungewear. Find somewhere comfortable to sit with your eyes closed and practice your mantra for 20 minutes twice a day.

You can lead your meditation without the use of an app when using the transcendental meditation technique. Rather, you mentally recite a mantra in silence.

A mantra is a word or phrase that you focus on throughout the whole meditation. Your mantra becomes the focal point of your consciousness. The mantras used in transcendental meditation do not correspond to tangible items, emotions, or experiences in English. These are sounds that assist you in shifting your focus from conscious thought to a more profound level of self-awareness.

Types of Mantra’s:

These days, the term "mantra" has come to refer broadly to any word or phrase that promotes mental transformation and serves as a focus aid.

Sanskrit mantras were originally believed to have been composed by great ancient sages under the direction of the universe. Every mantra has been meticulously crafted over generations, incorporating distinct energetic properties and elements. Therefore, they can't just be made up; here are the ones that could be used and what energetic properties they harness:

  • Om (Aum, Ohm)

This is the sound of the universe’s primordial sound and is said to have a positive impact on the mind, body and soul, having an overall beneficial effect on your health and mental well-being and promoting peace.

The mantra "Om" is one of the best to use when practicing transcendental meditation. In Hinduism, om is the most revered sound and is thought to be the sound of the cosmos. This potent mantra can facilitate communication with both the universe and your inner self. It’s a great way to start your journey with transcendental meditation techniques.

  • Om Namah Shivaya

‘I bow to Shiva” is the translation and means to bow down to your higher self and bring you deeper to your divine self.

  • Aim

Aim is another powerful beej mantra that can be used during transcendental meditation. It can help you stimulate your pituitary gland and balance the hormonal levels in your body.

This can lead to an increase in emotional stability and then positively affect your overall well-being. Additionally, this can help clear your mind of distractions and allow you to focus and concentrate.

  • Sat Nam

This translates to ‘truth is my name; I am the truth.”

  • Shreem

The Shreem mantra is often used as one of the transcendental meditation mantras to promote abundance, prosperity, and success. During meditation, repeating the Shreem mantra can help clear your mind and body of blockages and negative energy, making room for abundance and positive energy to enter. This is perfect if you wish to manifest a specific goal or intention in your life.

  • Om Shanti

This mantra is about ‘peace’ and the desire to nurture and maintain peace within.

  • Hrim

You can also use the beej mantra "hrim," which is connected to the energy of the heart chakra when practising TM. This mantra is said to aid in releasing emotional blockages and encourage self-acceptance, love, and compassion. During meditation, you can develop a sense of harmony and balance within yourself as well as improve your empathy and interpersonal connection skills by repeating the word "hrim."

  • Klim

From the list of mantras for transcendental meditation, Klim is another potent mantra. It is believed to encourage prosperity and abundance in all facets of life and is connected to the goddess of wealth. The sound vibrations of Klim can be used repeatedly during meditation to help quiet the mind and encourage profound relaxation.

  • Om Gum Ganapataye Namaha

This mantra is said to remove obstacles in one’s life and assist with new ventures.


Lucy Couser

I have a degree in creative writing from Manchester, and when I'm not reading romance novels, I go camping, hot yoga or shopping for second-hand fashion.