Welcome to our December issue, with the wonderful Victoria Tso of Inner Child Yoga School gracing our cover for the first time. Read more about this amazing yoga teacher inside.
We’ve got lots of other great reads too, including a catch up on all the winners from our inaugural OM Yoga Awards. These incredible and inspiring individuals, charities and companies illustrate all that’s special about the yoga community today and fully deserve their recognition.
Don’t forget: next year, look out for the launch of voting for our 2024 awards as well, where you’ll get to have your say on who the next crop of winners will be.
In the meantime, there’s plenty of other goodies in this issue, including our annual gifts guide. With Christmas coming up, we thought we’d help you out a bit in your pressies selection by showcasing lots of unique, ethical and beautiful gift ideas from yoga-powered firms.
No one wants a commercial Christmas, so ditch the corporations this time and buy fewer, more meaningful gifts for your loved ones and invest your money in quality that will last, produced by yoga-friendly entrepreneurs and enterprises who really appreciate the business.
And if it all gets too much at this time of year, then we’ve included a report on yoga for stress, where you can hopefully find some thoughts and inspiration to help you through the tougher times with grace and ease.
Waving farewell to 2023 and ushering in a new year it’s impossible to know what lies around the corner, but what we do have on our side is the steadfast reassurance of our yoga practice. As day follows the night, as inhale follows the exhale, we shall rise in our warriors each morning to face the day together.
On behalf of the whole team here at OM, have a wonderful Christmas and a very happy and healthy new year.

Issue 148 - December 2023
Yogi: Victoria Tso
Website: innerchildyogaschool.com
IG: @inner_child_yoga_school
Photographer: Rachel Pearson PhotographyÂ
Website: rachelpearsonphotography.com