The Connection Between Pets and Yoga Mats
If you're a yogi who shares your home with pets, you've likely experienced this scenario: the moment you unroll your yoga mat, your furry companions suddenly become intensely interested.
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Cats weave between your legs as you transition through poses, while dogs plop themselves right down in the middle of your mat, refusing to budge.
What is it about the yoga mat that captivates our pets so completely? As it turns out, there are a few key reasons why our four-legged friends are so drawn to our yoga practice.
Mood Contagion
One of the primary reasons pets are attracted to the yoga mat is the soothing mood it represents. During our Asana (posture) practice, our bodies and minds enter a state of deep relaxation. Our heart rates slow, our breath deepens, and we become more present and grounded. This sense of calm doesn't go unnoticed by our pets.
Studies have shown that emotional states can "spread" between humans and animals through a phenomenon called emotional contagion. When we're feeling peaceful and centred, our pets can pick up on these positive vibes and begin to mirror our state of mind. The yoga mat becomes a tangible anchor for this calming energy.
Sensory Appeal
Beyond the mood-boosting effects, the physical properties of the yoga mat itself are also highly appealing to our furry friends. The textured surface provides interesting stimuli for a pet's acute senses of smell and touch. Cats, in particular, are drawn to the mat's scent-capturing abilities, which allow them to mark their territory. My mat has scratch marks on it but I make sure that I keep the mats I use with clients well away from our fur baby.
Fur, Paws, and Downward Dogs.
The warmth of a recently used mat is another alluring factor. Pets, who often struggle to regulate their body temperatures, are instinctively drawn to any cosy spot that retains human heat. Snuggling up on a freshly vacated yoga mat fulfils their basic need for comfort and security.
Desire for Closeness
At the heart of a pet's attraction to the yoga mat is a deep craving for connection and closeness with their human. Our yoga practice represents a time of focused attention and mindfulness - qualities that our pets intuitively understand and desire to be a part of.
When we roll out our mats, we're creating a sacred space that our pets want to share. They may jump up to nuzzle us, flop down beside us, or even curl up on top of us during Savasana (corpse pose). This shared experience strengthens the bond between human and animal, fulfilling our pets' need for affection and companionship.
So the next time your downward-facing dog starts nudging your downward-facing human during your Asana flow, take it as a compliment. Your pet is drawn to the calm, connected energy of your yoga practice - and likely wants nothing more than to be right there with you, basking in the blissful benefits.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​