Online yoga training
Is this the right option for you long-term? By Sarah Swindlehurst/Mulliner
Since the lockdown, I have observed how both teachers and trainers have adapted to teaching online — and the pros and cons that they have discovered in doing so. But how do you decide whether online training is for you? Over my years of training both online and on-site, I have understood that the methods of learning are personal to the individual. Many find online training to be convenient, which they can manage around life/work commitments, and that it is also less of a financial investment. Others prefer in-person training and are more motivated when surrounded by others.
Still, whether you choose online or on-site, the core curriculum is likely to be the same. Before deciding to take a course it is pertinent that you consider the syllabus, resources offered, content, how it is being delivered, as well as researching the credentials of the yoga trainer.
Furthermore, online training means no physical contact and, although this is an advantage in a pandemic, correct posture alignment helps to prevent injury and so would be worth questioning how this is to be monitored and assessed. Homework and assignments are usually part of every training, so be aware that you will need to fit these into your lifestyle too.
While it is important to consider and research your options, it’s also important to determine any realistic aims and outcomes for your chosen career path. Many online trainings can take one month to one year, so perhaps consider what time investment you can commit to. Determine how much you can spend on the training and find out about any possible extra costs involved.
Also, do you want the training school to be registered with a recognised accreditation body. This is important if you plan to go on to teach later but less so if you want to simply add to your existing yoga knowledge through your course.
Reflect on what outcomes you would like, such as where you would like to teach and who would you like to teach (age/specialism) as this will help you decide on which course to take. Furthermore, contemplate whether the online training offers what you will require for your long-term goals and whether you will receive post-course mentoring support to assist you on your path.
Ultimately, choosing whether to train online, or on-site is a personal choice; both will require commitment in terms of time and money. Taking the time to consider all the options as to what you can manage is advisable. Online learning is becoming a popular choice due to its convenience and is wonderfully accessible for many around the world. On-demand videos and modules that you can view and learn at your own pace might suit your learning style best — or you may struggle to motivate yourself. Contact trainers and find out what support is available to help you stay on track, or what support groups are there are to assist in your online learning experience.
Ultimately, online learning is likely to be here to stay for the long-term and perhaps one we need to embrace.
Sarah Swindlehurst/Mulliner is senior teacher trainer at Yogakidz Worldwide (yogakidzonlinetraining.com)