Big & Bold: Yoga for the Plus-Size Woman
Laura Burns
Human Kinetics
Effective and empowering yoga practice for plus-size women. Big & Bold: Yoga for the Plus-Size Woman demonstrates the freedom, comfort, strength, and mobility that plus-size women can build through yoga. Get clear instructions for a variety of seated, kneeling, standing, reclined, and restorative poses, along with options for body positioning and prop usage, so you can choose the variations that work best for your body. Sample sequences of four energising practices and four relaxing practices will guide you in creating an effective home yoga practice. Author Laura Burns also shares personal examples about how yoga can be an empowering way to move your body and celebrate what it can do.
Further reading:
Restorative Yoga For Ethnic And Race-Based Stress And Trauma
Gail Parker
Singing Dragon
Presenting ways in which Restorative Yoga can contribute to healing emotional wounds, this book invites yoga teachers, therapists and practitioners to consider the psychological impact of ethnic and race-based stress and trauma. It aids in the process of uncovering, examining, and healing one’s own emotional wounds and offers insight into avoiding wounding or re-wounding others. By providing a therapeutic structure that assists those directly and indirectly impacted by ethnic and race-based stress and trauma, the book provides valuable tools for aiding in the processing of stressful experiences and in trauma recovery.
Yoga To Support Immunity: Mind Body Breathing Guide To Whole Health
Melanie Salvatore-August
Mango Publishing
Melanie Salvatore-August’s new book brings us step-by-step into agency toward our own healing. Through attitude, movement, and breathing, we can become more resilient and strengthen our immune system with yoga. To get started, all you need is the wish to feel better and a body to breathe, move, and stretch. Yoga To Support Immunity is especially valuable as we navigate this post-pandemic world, offering yogic tools as a healing balm for the soul. Learn how to breathe to lower stress hormones, condition the lungs, and bring fresh oxygenated blood to our organs.
Holding Space - The Creative Performance And Voice Workbook For Yoga Teachers
Sarah Scharf
Singing Dragon
This expert guide provides yoga teachers with the skills they need to understand how to care for and improve their voices technically, and express themselves authenticity and effectively. Being able to give instruction clearly and with emotional intelligence is part of the personal development that each yoga teacher goes through. Includes instruction, support and ideas on how to embark on the journey of teaching with greater confidence and mindfulness. After the basics in vocal projection, inflection and intonation are covered, it details the psychological significance of believing in your own value and finding what makes each teacher unique and accessible to their students.