Loving kindness meditation
A meditation on loving kindness. By Eva Kristlova
In this meditation on loving kindness, allow yourself to switch from the usual mode of ‘doing’ to a mode of ‘non-doing’, of simply ‘being’. Allow your body to become still, bring your attention to the fact that you are breathing.
Become aware of the movement of your breath as it comes into your body and as it leaves your body without any need to change it. Become aware of your chest and heart. Notice your chest rising and expanding each time you breathe in and feel your chest and heart relaxing each time you breathe out. Feel your heart softening, opening and radiating love and kindness. Try to be totally here in each moment with each breath. Giving full care and attention to each in breath and to each out breath as they follow one after the other in a never-ending cycle and flow. If distracting thoughts arise, acknowledge them, then return to the practice and to your heart.
And now bringing to mind someone for whom you have deep feelings of love. Seeing or sensing this person and noticing your feelings for them arise in your body. It may be simply a smile that spreads across your face, or your chest becomes warm. Whatever the effects, allow them to be felt. This is someone who supports you, who has always ‘been on your side’. Bringing this person to mind, imagining them perhaps across from you, and let these words become your words…
May you be happy
May you be healthy
May you ride the waves of your life
May you live in peace
No matter what you are given

Now, letting go of this person in your imagination, and keeping in awareness the feelings that have arisen.
Bring yourself to mind now. And seeing if you can offer loving kindness to yourself, by letting these words become your words…
May I be happy
May I be healthy
May I ride the waves of my life
May I live in peace
No matter what I am given
Noticing the feelings that arise and sitting with them peacefully, receiving loving kindness.
When you are ready, turn your attention to someone with whom you might have a little difficulty, maybe someone who brings up feelings or irritation or annoyance. And seeing if you can let these words become your words as you keep this person in awareness…
May you be happy
May you be healthy
May you ride the waves of your life
May you live in peace
No matter what you are given
Notice the sensations and feelings that arise within you. And see if you can just allow them and let them be.
And now bringing to mind the broader community of which you are a part.
You might imagine your family, your workmates, your neighbours, or fan out your attention until you include all persons and creatures on the planet.
And including yourself in this offering of loving kindness, let these words become your words…
May we be happy
May we be healthy
May we ride the waves of our lives
May we live in peace
No matter what we are given
Notice the sensations and feelings that arise within you. Sit with them for a few moments until you are ready to end the practice.
Eva Kristlova is a yoga teacher and the owner of the Yoga Life Studio, Eastbourne @evakristlova @yogalifestudio
Photos: Sarah Carmody Photography @sarahcarmodyphotographyuk