Happiness is love
It doesn’t matter what form it takes: love is everything. By Jill Crosby
Being in love brings more joy, excitement, contentment and happiness into our lives. Being in love is wonderful! Being in love changes everything; it is one of the best things in life.
But it doesn’t matter what that love looks like, or what form it takes —self-love is perhaps the greatest love of them all —the feelings of positivity and joy it brings with it are all the same.
Yes, it’s great if we have a wonderful, loving partner, but we can also still find happiness in our love for the world around us, our fellow beings, and, of course, ourselves.
One of the core lessons we will learn from any yoga or meditation practice is that self-love is integral to all things. After all, if we don’t love and care for ourselves, how can we be expected to care for others?

All loved up
There’s a good bit of science behind love too. Certain ‘happy’ chemicals and hormones (like dopamine, oxytocin and testosterone) are released when we are in love. These can even produce feelings of euphoria and bliss — the things you might normally associate with an Ibiza dance floor or a year-long stay in an Indian ashram.
However, there is more to love than science, especially when it comes to romantic love. When we bond with someone else who shares similar visions, beliefs, passions, interests and values, that compatibility creates a strong base for a solid relationship. Throw in some amazing chemistry and great communication, and who wouldn’t be positively giddy?

And when we are fortunate to pair with someone who ‘gets’ us, it makes life so much more fun. To have that special someone to share our most intimate secrets, our ‘wins’ or ‘lessons’ of the day, our emotional releases, our dreams and plans with, is such a beautiful gift. Sharing humour and a deep, soul connection where you ‘remember’ someone the moment you meet them, is quite the experience.
Self-love Love
is one of the best ways to feel happy, but it does take some action on our part, whether we’re soul searching for ‘the one’ or for our own true self.
Start by taking some time to nurture and nourish the relationship you have with yourself. Whatever your relationship status — single, married, or even ‘it’s complicated’ —this will be the most significant step you can take in accessing those happy love vibes.
If you’re lucky and loved up already with the partner of your dreams (lucky you!), it’s still essential to continue the self-love journey. It’s about reaching a place of acceptance of who you are deep down and that you’re all just fine inside; there’s nothing to be fixed or changed. You don’t need to try to be anyone else, just reach that level of acceptance that you are just perfectly you.
This is an ongoing commitment as well, no matter how your relationship status might change in the future. Love is all around us, and especially inside of us, it’s just up to us to see it and embrace it.
And when you do find it, throw your arms around it and treasure it.

Jill Crosby is the owner/founder of the dating site, SpiritualSingles.co.uk