Give yourself a (coffee) break
If you’re thinking about quitting coffee in 2025, don’t be too hard on yourself…just read this first
Reading time: 3-4 minutes
As a health conscious coffee drinker, it can sometimes feel like everywhere you turn there’s another mushroom coffee, matcha or other coffee alternative claiming to be better for you than the evil coffee. Each has its own outlandish health claims, but could there actually be a case that one particular coffee trumps them all? That coffee is Exhale Healthy Coffee. The coffee lovers healthy swap.
Here are three reasons why you shouldn’t believe the hype of coffee alternatives and should switch to Exhale Healthy Coffee in 2025:
1. The science: most claims are scientifically unproven
Human trials are scarce and so most coffee alternatives require you to have blind faith in ‘ancient wisdom’, but aren’t our lives, stressors and diets vastly different to our ancestors?
However, coffee is the most consumed drink on the planet behind water and because of that it’s one of the most studied, with over 21,000 studies published. In the last 20 years, the scientific opinion on coffee has turned from it being a guilty pleasure to something that can support a healthy lifestyle with a vast array of different health benefits.
One study published in June 2020 even concluded that ‘Coffee may be viewed as a healthy vegetable food and a main supplier of dietary phenolic phytochemicals’. Other research has shown that coffee drinkers have a 17% reduced risk of all-cause mortality, including decaf drinkers.
Exhale puts its organic coffee through nine different independent lab tests to scientifically verify it’s health benefits. Proving it to be high in antioxidants, polyphenols and vitamin B3, while being mould, mycotoxin and pesticide free.
2. The price: coffee alternatives are over twice the price of coffee
All these lofty, unproven health benefits come at an equally lofty price, often as much as £2 per cup! For just 60p per cup, or 45p if you buy in a bundle, you can enjoy a cup of Exhale’s lab tested, healthy coffee. As well as that, Exhale is delivered in plant-based, compostable packaging made from 100% renewable sources. Whereas most alternatives come in single use plastic at best.
3. The taste: there is no greater taste on earth than freshly brewed coffee
Once they’ve tried mushrooms, mud and matcha, many realise just how glorious real coffee tastes. Exhale coffee is roasted fresh weekly in a speciality coffee roastery in London. It scores 84/100 on the SCA scale for taste and even the decaf tastes so good coffee snobs wouldn’t be able to tell it’s a decaf. Your first cup of coffee of the day is without doubt one of life’s greatest pleasures. Why give up your favourite drink and pay twice as much to make a ‘healthier swap’ to something without scientifically backed benefits… when you could better support your long term health, and bank balance, by switching to Exhale Healthy Coffee!
Discover the world of Exhale Coffee at: exhalecoffee.com