Yoga Nidra: Discovering Serenity in a Busy World
A Guided Journey through Yoga Nidra - By Julia Davis
Reading time: 5 minutes
Sleep can be elusive and I have found that Yoga Nidra can be just what I am looking for if I have had a broken night sleep.
What is Yoga Nidra?
Yoga nidra is a deep relaxation practice which can give you a sense of calm and might even send you off to sleep. It can be really great to record yourself sharing a yoga nidra so that you can play it at any time to send yourself, family or friends off to sleep.
Yoga nidra is not supposed to be read - it is for listening too. I will share a script with you here and you can record it and have a listen! This Yoga Nidra has extracts from John O'Donohue's poem "To Come Home To Yourself" from his anthology "Benedictus" Every time there is a * allow for a little space before you start the next section.
Yoga Nidra Script
Yoga Nidra – 15 minutes Nidra inspired by “to come home to yourself” by John O’Donohue
Allow yourself to come into a settled position. Take and use any props you might want – maybe a bolster under your knees for comfort or a blanket or pillow under your head. Allow yourself to become super comfortable so that you feel as though you can rest still in complete comfort and ease *
Now bring your attention to your breathing. Become aware of the cool air entering through your nostrils and the warm air as it leaves. The cool air entering… warm air leaving.
Take comfort in the knowledge that the air that enters is always cool and the air that leaves is always warm. Be aware now if the points of contact between the body and the floor. Notice where there is space. Allow each out breath to settle you more deeply and easily *
In your own time, very gently, bring your attention to the space behind the breast bone…to your energetic heart centre. Allow your attention to rest there. Notice any feeling or colour that might be present as you rest your attention there*
With your focus at your heart allow these words to float over you:
“May all that is unforgiven in you,
Be released.
May your fears yield
Their deepest tranquilities.
May all that is unlived in you,
Blossom into a future,
Graced with love.* ^
Now as I mention each part of the body allow your attention to rest there. There is no need to move. Bring your attention to your right hand thumb, the right hand thumb, first finger, second finger, third finger, little finger.
The palm of the right hand, the back of the right hand, the space between the wrist and the elbow, the upper arm, the arm pit and shoulder, the whole of the right arm and hand, the whole of the right arm and hand.
Bring your attention to your right color bone, waist, hip, buttock, the right thigh, the space behind the right knee, the shin calf, ankle, the right ankle and foot, the top of the right foot the base of the right foot, the right big toe, second toe, third toe, fourth toe, little toe, the whole of the right leg and foot, the whole of the right leg and foot, the whole of the right side of the body.
The left hand thumb, the left hand thumb, first finger, second finger, third finger, little finger. The palm of the left hand, the back of the left hand, the space between the wrist and the elbow, the upper arm, the arm pit and shoulder, the whole of the left arm and hand, the whole of the left arm and hand.
Bring your attention to your left color bone, waist, hip, buttock, the left thigh, the space behind the left knee, the shin calf, ankle, the left ankle and foot, the top of the left foot the base of the left foot, the left big toe, second toe, third toe, fourth toe, little toe, the whole of the left leg and foot, the whole of the left leg and foot, the whole of the left side of the body.
The public bones, the navel, the belly button, the navel, the solar plexus, that space between the breast bones, the solar plexus, the pit of the throat, the root of the tongue, the tip of the tongue, the right nostril, the left nostril, the right cheek, the left cheek, the right ear, the left ear, the space between the eyebrows, the top of the head, the back of the head, the whole head and body, the whole head and body.*
Become aware now that you can see a person. And that person is taking a walk in the glow of the beautiful sunshine which is warming their face in the most comfortable way. And as they walk they become aware of the soft grass underneath their bare feet. The air smells pure and soft with no irritation. As they walk they come across a stream and they enjoy the sound of the water as it flows past them.
They decide to stop and dip their feet into the cool water and they make cups with their hands and bend down to taste the delicious freshness. The taste of the water replenishes them and they feel a loveliness.*
As they sit by the water they feel an open heartedness as they hear these words:
“May all that is unforgiven in you,
Be released.
May your fears yield
Their deepest tranquilities.
May all that is unlived in you,
Blossom into a future,
Graced with love.* ^
You return to the place where you are. And here you become aware of your breathing. Of the cool air entering and the warm air leaving. You notice as your breath becomes stronger and more audible. You allow movement to come into your body as you become more aware of your place in this room in the here and now.*
You allow any movement to come into your body that feels good and lovey allowing yourself to stretch and be and move as if you were waking up for the first time this morning and you have all the time in the world to stretch in whatever way your body needs. As you re enter this day you take any feeling of strength, tranquillity, joy and replenishment with you into this day, into this week and for as long as you wish.
Lets sit together now and chant OM three times.
This Yoga Nidra practice is short so you can record it easily and listen any time.
* indicates a space in time
^ These are the words of John O’Donohue’s poem “to come home to yourself"
Julia Davis runs Yoga Nidra & Circle Holding facilitator training where you can learn how to create your own yoga nidra for yourself or to share with friends, family or your own yoga community.