How to Balance the Solar Plexus
The solar plexus, situated about two inches above the belly button, is often referred to as our personal power centre.
Reading time: 3 minutes
It represents our will—willpower, determination, courage, ego, and our inner fire. As it is quite literally located in our gut area, there is also a connection to gut instinct. Physically, the nerve endings resemble rays radiating outwards, and so the association with the sun comes from this. Energetically, the link to the sun or solar energy—“Surya” energy—derives from the fire vibration, the yang element, the divine masculine. It embodies doing, drive, and motion. This chakra is the most action-oriented and fiery energy centre.
Good Day Sunshine
Sometimes the meaning really is simple. To heal and harmonise the solar plexus, spend time in natural light. Vitamin D is known as the sunshine vitamin for good reason, and it is important to consider its role in the holistic care of your physical and subtle bodies. A recent medical review stated that a higher “summer peak” of this nutrient led to greater overall winter levels. So, it is possible to stock up to an extent—a very good incentive to “make hay while the sun shines” and get outdoors! Of course, this is not possible in every season and in every location. Yes, we have jobs and commitments, and a long dark season called Winter, but try to create room in your schedule to be outside during daylight hours even on the shortest days to top up your vitamin D and to find equilibrium in the circadian rhythm. SAD (Seasonal affective disorder) is a real condition and a type of mood disorder so keep that in mind when you feel like just hibernating.
Working on Yourself for Yourself
Work on your self-confidence. This will depend on the individual; it may relate to your family, speaking up at meetings, or setting boundaries with friends. This will overlap with the opening and balancing of the throat chakra. If this imbalance manifests in your career, ask for feedback or mentorship. Talk to someone you trust and ask them what they think you need. Perhaps you have gone the other way and are more of an “act first, think later” person. This represents unbalanced masculine energy. To correct this, you would need to tap into your divine feminine, your yin, regardless of your sex or sexual orientation.
Let It Shine
Stoke the Flame
I have mentioned fire already, and Agni is the digestive fire very much associated with the solar plexus. If you are experiencing any issues here, get to the root of them by consulting a doctor, seeking an Ayurvedic nutritionist's opinion, or simply taking probiotics, drinking kombucha, and focusing on your gut health. For most of my clients, I recommend Triphala, an Ayurvedic supplement that supports the digestive system. Polyphenols found in Triphala modulate the human gut microbiome and promote the growth of beneficial gut microbes while simultaneously inhibiting the growth of unwanted gut microbes. Always research supplements and remedies to ensure there are no contraindications with any medications you are on or underlying medical conditions.
Trust Your Gut
Speaking of the gut, we have all felt those little messages that something or someone is not quite right. Use this intuition to make decisions. Listen to it. Our instincts run deeper than our conscious brain. Our logical side often tries to override our innate wisdom. Can you recall a time you didn’t listen to your gut instinct and experienced a disastrous outcome? I can think of many times myself! Sometimes we make decisions out of fear, which also stems from the root chakra, involved with the ego. Discerning what is your gut instinct and what is fear manifesting from the root chakra can take time and is part of your spiritual process. Take every opportunity to connect with your body and determine what sensations are present.
Let It Flow
Finally, when it comes to yoga asanas that can support the solar plexus, the most obvious are sun salutations and postures that focus on the core/abs region. I love Navasana (Boat Pose) and planks, and I always encourage my students to forget about the six-pack and focus on accessing the strength and fire of the solar plexus in these challenging poses instead! Virabhadrasana III (Warrior III) builds stability, confidence, and balance. Incorporating breathwork techniques, such as Kapalabhati (Skull Shining Breath) or Bhastrika (Bellows Breath), can activate the solar plexus, enhance focus, and direct the flow of life force to this area.