Yoga Burnout?
9 Ways To Reawaken your Yoga Practice When Feeling Burnt Out - By Meagan Hale
Reading time: 4 minutes
Who gets tired of yoga? Is that even a thing? It may be hard to believe but Asana burnout does happen. Life, with all its continuously changing variables, doesn't somehow slow down or halt for the yoga practitioner. Yoga teachers are regularly pouring from themselves to fill the needs of their classes and clients. When you've taught multiple sessions in a span of weeks or even months with little time for self, showing up on the mat can feel like an impossibly huge ask. Leaving what used to be a treasured time, feeling like an exhausting task. Refilling self will never not be crucial. Teaching yoga full-time while also taking on private sessions, and possibly attempting to start a yoga business of your own, is plenty enough to tire out anyone. Just as students turn to instructors for guidance and to be recharged, teachers need also to have ways to renew their minds and fortify their spirits in order to continue giving. Listed are approaches that yoga teachers and students alike can put into practice to help boost morale and step back onto the mat with a refreshingly clear mind.
- Remember that there are eight limbs of yoga. Spend time getting more familiar with other limbs and immersing yourself in the philosophy of yoga. Your practice will be better for it.
- It is important to keep a mental note that yoga doesn’t mean Asana. As good as daily Asana practice may feel it is not required to practice everyday. Skipping out on practice when you’re feeling drained of it doesn’t make you any less a practitioner. Consider instead, teaching and practicing meditation and breathing techniques for a while.
- Breathe through the change of pace and give yourself space and time to find footing again. You may even think to cancel classes for a while you recharge.
- Free flow and play a little. Skip the process of writing out a sequence and let your body move as freely as it desires in whatever way it chooses. Create a space, breathe, and flow freely.
- Increase time for meditation and journaling and follow these three rules: Be mindful. Be kind. Be present!
- Repeat a mantra that’ll serve as a reminder of your intention on the mat. If not teaching Asana is completely out of the question, then before every session, take with you a personal mantra or intention to the mat. If in the middle of teaching, you begin to sense that you're nearing your limit, remember your intention. It could prove to be essential in getting you through a class.
- Change environments. Take your practice outside. A change of scenery can breathe life back into you and your classes.
- Try a different type of yoga. If you've gotten familiar with a specific type of yoga, say vinyasa, maybe attempt to switch things up with yin yoga. There are many to choose from so pick your pleasure and give it a go.
- Get rid of the guilt and go easy on yourself. No one stays 100% motivated all the time. Every now and then we fall into slumps. The most you may be able to do is practice patience and that is more than okay.
Give yourself time to ease into it again. Oftentimes when Asana practice is skipped, frustration sets in because of feelings of incapability, loss of progress, or even imposter syndrome. If you aren't careful those feelings will meet you on the mat as well, resulting in you feeling even more depleted and defeated than before.
Don't Fret. These things happen, and when they do remember that life happens in seasons. There will come a time for your Asana practice again. Until then get grounded, seek guidance, and find community. After all, yoga does in fact mean union. It could turn out to be just what you need to get you out of your funk and back onto the mat.