How to Balance Your Crown Chakra

How to Balance Your Crown Chakra

The journey through the chakra system ends with the crown, but as you may find out, it also begins here. The crown chakra is, naturally, at the top of our head and the area just above it.

Reading time: 3 minutes

The crown chakra is all about connection—connection to each other, to a higher power, to God, or to universal consciousness. This connection runs both ways—an interconnectedness that is always present, even if we are unaware of it or feel disconnected at times. It’s always accessible. If spiritual enlightenment is your goal, be prepared to go deep on this path. The other six chakras are vital in this process, as they fully support your ability to tap into the crown chakra.

Have you heard the expression in yoga class “root to rise”? This is one of its meanings. The chakra system works as a whole—a unified process. I would love to tell you that you can work on each chakra systematically, finishing with the crown, but this is ongoing, lifelong work. In the same way, the limbs of yoga are laid out in a specific order, but they are not stepping stones. Rather, all the limbs work in tandem, simultaneously, much like the branches of a tree.

So, how do you know if your crown chakra needs some attention? Well, if you feel a lack of connection—or less connection than you once had—with your religion (if you have one), with spirit, with source, or with whatever you choose to call the creator or creative energy, it might indicate an imbalance. Personally, I have always called it Mother Nature. Similarly, if you feel disconnected from other people, or animals, other life on this planet, as though your behaviour, life, or existence is isolated and doesn’t affect anyone else’s, this may indicate an imbalance. This could be a lack of recognition of your own importance, or, conversely, an inflated sense of your own significance.

Really take the time to reflect on these ideas. Ask yourself: How connected or disconnected do I feel? Do I believe every man or woman is an island, or do I believe we are all one? Journal or meditate on these questions. Look at this as an opportunity for growth, self-study, and spiritual reconnection. If you pray or have ever prayed, now is the time to restart that practice.

The Crowning Glory

Maybe reading or listening to spiritual teachings, whether it’s the Quran, Bible, or Bhagavad Gita, or more modern self-help or philosophy—go with what you are most likely to resonate with, while keeping an open mind and not being afraid to explore new directions. Being in an echo chamber of our beliefs will lead to stagnation. Open your mind. Visit places of worship outside of your experiences and environment. Spend time in nature to align with the universal energy. The sun and the sea can be powerful teachers and healers too. Create your own Sadhana, spiritual practice, even if it’s just ten minutes a day. I like to burn incense at my altar and listen to mantras such as the Gayatri Mantra.

I did promise you that the connection works both ways, and those “brain waves” you have been having all your life (I bet!) could be considered downloads from the universe. You often hear songwriters talk about their gifts in such a modest way; they say that the songs are there, in the ether, and they just “fish” for them—they just find them. Bursts of wisdom, insights, and ideas originate from the crown chakra. And I truly believe, if you are given an idea, it’s up to you to execute it or at least try. In my experience, whenever I have had a great idea but have been too scared to go for it, have delayed acting on it, or talked myself out of it, someone else was then given that download. There is nothing like kicking yourself when you see someone so successful with “your” idea. You need to listen to that inner voice. It can seem like a thought, might come in a dream, or appear as a sudden flash. Write down every idea and inspiration. Don’t let them fade out. Decide if you want to manifest these ideas into existence or if you can live with someone else doing it! If you have not yet experienced this phenomenon, just remain open. Be open to the possibilities and be that clear channel ready to receive.

I hope your reflections lead you to believe that you are not an island after all; we are all connected and one, and you are never truly alone.

Margaret Young

Dublin yogi helping Gen X women find a yogic lifestyle through yoga, meditation and ayurveda.