7 Ways to Exercise When You Have Joint Pain or Injuries

7 Ways to Exercise When You Have Joint Pain or Injuries

7 Low-Impact Exercises and Essential Tips - By Cora Gold

Reading time: 4 minutes

Are joint pain or injuries preventing you from staying active? Don’t worry — plenty of gentle, low-impact exercises can help you maintain your fitness and overall well-being. Here are seven ways to exercise when you have joint pain or injuries:

1. Yoga

Yoga is a fantastic option for people with joint issues. It focuses on gentle stretching, balance and strength-building poses. The controlled movements in yoga can help increase flexibility and alleviate pain.

2. Water Aerobics 

Water aerobics combines the benefits of swimming with aerobic exercises. The buoyancy of the water reduces the impact on your joints, making it a great, low-impact exercise option for those with articulation pain. There are local pools with water aerobics classes you can sign up for, or you can follow along with online workouts.

3. Swimming

Swimming is a low-impact exercise and excellent for joint health. It provides a full-body workout while reducing stress on your articulation, improving function and reducing pain. Swimming is a great option for people with either temporary injuries or long-term conditions, such as arthritis and osteoporosis.  

4. Cycling

Cycling is another exercise that’s easy on the joints. It’s an excellent way to increase your heart rate without straining your articulation. Consider biking outdoors or using a stationary bike at home.

5. Tai Chi

Tai chi is a mind-body practice that involves slow, flowing movements. It’s gentle on your joints and helps improve balance and reduce stress. There may be local tai chi classes you can join, or you can find an online tutorial.

6. Pilates

Pilates focuses on strengthening your core muscles to support your articulation better. Many pilates exercises are low-impact and can be tailored to your specific needs. You can look for beginner pilates routines to get started. 

7. Resistance Band Workouts

Resistance bands are versatile tools for building strength without heavy lifting. They allow you to target specific muscle groups without putting excessive strain on your joints. You can search for resistance band exercises suitable for your condition.


Additional Tips for Exercising With Joint Pain

Here are some additional tips and strategies to enhance your workout routines and ensure that your fitness journey remains comfortable and injury-free:

  • Warm up and cool down. Before and after your workout, take a few minutes to warm up and cool down. Gentle stretching and range of motion exercises can help prepare your joints for activity and reduce the risk of injury.
  • Proper form. Whether doing yoga, swimming or any other exercise, pay close attention to your form. Proper technique can prevent unnecessary stress on your articulation and help you get the most out of your workouts.
  • Balance strength and flexibility. A well-rounded exercise routine should include both strength and flexibility training. Strength supports your articulation, while flexibility helps maintain your range of motion.
  • Listen to your body. If you experience pain beyond typical discomfort during exercise, stop immediately. Recognizing the difference between muscle fatigue and joint pain is essential.
  • Stay hydrated. Hydration is essential for joint health. Drinking enough water can help maintain the synovial fluid that lubricates your articulation.

Always Start Slow

No matter your age or fitness level, exercise options are available to help you stay active and maintain your overall well-being, even if you have joint pains or injuries. So choose the exercise that suits you best and move towards a healthier, pain-free you. 

Remember, before starting any exercise routine, it’s crucial to consult with a healthcare professional or physical therapist. They can provide personalized advice based on your specific condition. Always start slow and listen to your body, gradually increasing the intensity as your articulation health improves.

Cora Gold

Cora Gold is the Editor in Chief of women's lifestyle magazine, Revivalist.