Gopala Amir Yaffa


Gopala Amir Yaffa

Connecting people through yoga and making the world a better place!

Yoga for kids with all kinds of needs

Where can I teach kids yoga?

Where can I teach kids yoga?

What makes a great yoga teacher?

What makes a great yoga teacher?

Yoga teacher trainings: to online or not to online?

Online yoga teacher training

Want to Play? 7 Principles to Keep the Game Going

Find your uniqueness as a yoga teacher

Conscious parenting

Freedom for All Yogis Kids!

How to Teach Children Yoga Online? A Response to COVID-19

About Technology, Loved Ones and Monsters

From Monkhood to Fatherhood

Changing The World with Family Yoga

Family Yoga

5 Ways to Explain to Children What is Yoga

Family yoga: a journey from separateness to unity

Family yoga: a journey from separateness to unity

Why Yoga for Kids?

why yoga for kids