Laurel Stuart Dr. Ac is a Doctor of Acupuncture, Licensed Massage Therapist and Yoga Therapist. In her practice Laurel specializes in musculoskeletal dysfunction, pain, cancer support and stress management using yoga, massage, acupuncture, Chinese herbal therapy and sound healing. She is passionate about helping her clients to better health using a patient-centered approach to wellness. She believes firmly that "good health is our wealth" and that complementary healthcare is a vital aspect of preventative health. Find Laurel at her clinic North West Vibrational Acupuncture and Massage in Calgary or teaching yin and yang yoga classes online at
Forrest Yoga Certified Foundation Teacher 2004
Forrest Yoga Certificate of Advanced Teacher Training 2008
Doctor of Traditional Chinese Medicine Diploma 2014
Western Eastern 2200 Hour Integrated Massage Therapy Diploma 2017
Yin Yoga 50 Hour Teacher Training with Bernie Clarke 2019