Artemis Emily Doyle is a registered yoga and meditation teacher and lives full time at an off-grid non-dual tantrik ashram in the mountains of Northern BC, Canada.
Artemis (she/they) is the founder of Anuttara’s Turyatita School, and co-founder of Anuttara Ashram. She initiated and co-created the Anuttara Teacher Trainings and courses along side her partner Bhairav. She is an author of the Power of Tantra Meditation, the co-host of the Tantra & Yoga Podcast, and an empowered teacher within the Shivoham Tantra lineage.
Artemis has been studying yoga, meditation and other spiritual practices since 2008. In 2014, she met and received Darshan from her two main teachers Sri Mooji Baba and Guruji Maharaj in India. Artemis has been leading Shivoham tantrik festivals and sadhana with the blessing of Guruji Maharaj alongside her partner Bhairav since 2015. She has been initiated in a rare tantrik sadhana in tantrik moon time practices and has been empowered to share sacred rituals and ceremonies for Chandalini.
Artemis also draws a lot of strength and wisdom from her teachers in the Kashmir Shaivist tradition through Eric Baret, Ellen Emmet, and Rupert Spira. She is a registered forest therapy guide and was initiated as a healer in ceremonial cacao in the traditional Mayan rite. Artemis has a deep connection with Bhakti Yoga and a powerful ability to guide others in deep meditation through kirtan. Artemis shines when singing and guiding kirtan. She sets souls on fire, as she conveys her genuine connection with Spirit through song.
Author, empowered teacher, trauma certified, forest therapy guide, certified through Yoga Alliance, & 15 year practitioner.
The Divine and Tantra
An extract from The Power of Tantra Meditation, by Artemis Emily Doyle and Bhairav Thomas English Tantra views the Divine as having one reality composed of two…