9 Ways of Dealing with Anger
Nine simple ways for dealing with anger. By Neil Patel
We all get angry from time to time, it’s what makes us human. But there’s no denying it can also be a painful emotion.
In the list below you’ll see nine ways we can deal with anger before it gets out of control, or really sets in. Beginning at the top, here are the best ways (all the way down to the not-so-pleasant ways) of dealing with anger:
1. Preferably with forgiveness and love. If not, then…
2. Perhaps with wisdom and by understanding the situation better. If not, then…
3. By being creative and expressing your energy in a safe, controlled and contained way. This could be ‘letting it all out’ at the gym, boxing, yoga, dancing; or even writing and painting. But if not, then…
4. Maybe ‘talk it out’ with someone who has an understanding, patient and compassionate nature. This could be a friend, family member, acquaintance,
doctor, teacher or counsellor. If you are spiritual or religious, then why not try the next step?
5. Try talking, praying, meditating or crying it out with god. Or go to your local spiritual or religious priest for support. But if that’s not your cup of chamomile tea, then perhaps you need to…
6. Just try calmly talking it out with the person you actually have the problem with. If not, then…
7. Just cry it out of your system alone! If that still doesn’t work, then unfortunately you’ll have no option left but to…
8. Let it all out with the person you have the problem with. It may end up in tears and a bit of a screaming match, but it is far better than the final result…
9. You bottle it up and destroy your life.
Internalising anger (resentment) may leave you with anger issues, destructive relationships and road rage. It may also contribute to the possibility of contracting physical ailments related to blood pressure and the heart; as well as from the knock-on effect of a poor lifestyle gained from coping with negative emotions (for example, drinking too much or other self-destructive habits or excesses).
Look back over this list. Try remembering it; and try doing the things higher up the list first. It is human to be angry, so don’t judge yourself. But perhaps just learn to manage it a little better every time.